
LendSecured/Lande: review of a P2P platform focused on agricultural lending

P2P platforms that offer collateralised lending mostly operate in the real-estate sector. The purpose of their business is often to finance development projects or renovations through the investor community. Latvia’s LendSecured, however, is going its own way, offering broader diversification for investor P2P portfolios in the form of non-traditional agricultural loans. For the record, we[…]

Esketit: review of the P2P investment platform with Creamfinance loans

Esketit is a newly launched P2P platform from the owners of established consumer lender Creamfinance. It offers a return of up to 14% per annum and loans for investment issued, for example, in the Czech Republic. In the following review, we describe how the young platform stands up to the established competition, what impressed us[…] a review of a fully automated P2P investment platform

In August 2017, I decided to try one of the new P2P investment platforms – Robocash. However, I withdrew my investments in October of the same year – after not agreeing to the new terms and conditions. What finally convinced me to return to the platform this year? In what ways has Robocash moved forward[…]

Peerberry: review of the growing P2P alternative investment platform

Peerberry has grown from an inconspicuous offshoot of Mintos founded by one non-bank lender to become the second largest P2P marketplace in continental Europe. What’s behind this and is it worth investing on the platform? Peerberry was founded in 2017 by Aventus Group, which was previously one of the providers on Mintos and decided to[…]

Afranga: review of young and fast growing P2P investment platform

One of the youngest P2P platforms on the market is the Bulgarian Afranga. We have registered ourselves shortly after its launch and after about half a year of experience, we definitely don’t regret it. The platform relies on the simplicity of the investment process and attracts seasoned P2P savants for diversification purposes, as well as[…]

EvoEstate: review of an European P2P offers aggregator

My approximately five-year evolution in P2P investing could be summarized as follows. The first 3 years of utter enthusiasm, zero diversification into other assets and testing dozens of new platforms. The next period was much more realistic and I rather reduced the number of P2P portals. I was more skeptical about new players on the[…]

Mintos: review of Europe’s largest P2P marketplace after 3.5 years of experience

Just a year ago at this time, Mintos was being hailed and investors were excited about the “guaranteed” double-digit returns. The year 2020 brought a sobering change, many investors left and some soured on Mintos (or P2P lending in general). What is an objective view of the P2P investment leader? Is it worth investing on[…]

Lendermarket: Creditstar’s P2P platform with yield up to 16,6% p.a.

Creditstar Group, a well-known lending provider from Mintos, decided to launch its own platform in 2019. Its main goal is to reduce the group’s cost of funds received from P2P investors. The Lendermarket platform is now well established and we can look deeper whether it pays off to open an investor account here. Creditstar Group[…]

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